Made Easy

Ready to step into a new way of life?

Whether you're in need of expert organization services or want to freshen up and take control of your living space, we've got you covered. We'll help you clear space for a big move, or whatever next steps are for you. And we’ll have fun along the way.

We exist to help you Lighten Up Your Life!

Lighten Your Load -Done FOR You

$75-$100 an hour depending on size of project

Let us bring tranquility into your space. Unwind while we work our magic.

Share The Load - Done WITH You

$75-$100 an hour depending on size of project

Enjoy learning the process of organization as you work closely with us at each step.

Transformational - Coaching For Change

$100 an hour

Leave a lighter legacy. Be intentional with what you take forward and what you leave behind.

Item Management- Finding New Homes

$75-$100 an hour depending on size of project

Let us help you sell, donate, keep, give away, or discard your items. Don’t drown under the weight of a million decisions and tasks.

Pre-Listing Services Get Ready to Move

$75-$100 an hour depending on size of project

Estate clearing, downsizing, prepping for sale, cleaning and staging. Recoup our fees by getting a better price for your home!

Improve Your Mental Health

$75-$100 an hour depending on size of project

Practical coaching with someone as you declutter. Learn new skills, break free from paralysis and start afresh.

Discover the magic of decluttering